Bachelor of Architecture Program in Thai Architecture

(Revised Curriculum 2024)


Name of Degree and Field of Study

Full name: Bachelor of Architecture (Thai Architecture)

Abbreviation of name: B. Arch. (Thai Architecture)


Total Number of Credits

Bachelor’s degree - not less than 158 credits



Character of the Program

Type of program: 5-year undergraduate professional degree program

Language medium: Thai and/or English

Student intake: Thai and foreign students who are able to communicate fluently in Thai     

Collaboration with other institutes: This program is run exclusively by the organizing institute

Degree conferred: Single degree  


Career Opportunities after Graduation

1. Architect

2. Working in professions related to architecture and Thai architecture

3. Freelance architect / designer

4. Lecturer, instructor at the level of tertiary education

5. Other related professions such as architectural conservationist, expert on art and culture, building contractor, construction project consultant, construction supervision consultant, project management consultant, site planner, urban and regional planner, media content creator about architecture, etc.


Objectives of the Program

1. To produce graduates who have deep knowledge and understanding of architecture and Thai architecture together with basic traditional artisan skills, and are able to practice proficiently in the field of Thai architecture or other related professions in order to preserve and pass on the art and science of traditional Thai architecture.

2. To produce graduates who have an appreciation for the value of national and global art and culture.

3. To produce graduates who have creative thinking ability with wide range of interests, eager to gain new knowledge, improve professional skills, and able apply them effectively.

4. To produce graduates who are responsible, punctual, and able to work pleasantly with others.

5. To produce graduates who are moral, ethical, responsible towards self and society, uphold professional integrity, and maintain social credibility.

6. To produce graduates who can apply and develop the use of technology to assist in carrying out architectural tasks effectively.

7. To produce graduates who have an understanding of the principles and concepts involved in running businesses related to architectural practice, planning, design and creativity, as well as in coordinating and working under diverse cultural conditions.

8. To produce graduates who are capable of working in the profession with international level of standard and quality as well as having the ability to integrate knowledge of various related disciplines in the process.


Anticipated Attributes of Graduates

1. Possess deep knowledge and understanding of architecture and Thai architecture together with basic traditional artisan skills, and are able to practice proficiently in the field of Thai architecture or other related professions in order to preserve and pass on the art and science of traditional Thai architecture.

2. Possess an appreciation for the value of national and global art and culture.

3. Possess creative thinking ability, have a wide range of interests, constantly acquiring new knowledge and professional skills and are able apply them effectively.

4. Possess responsible and punctual qualities, and able to work pleasantly with others.

5. Possess moral and ethical qualities, responsible towards self and society, uphold professional integrity, and maintain social credibility.

6. Possess ability to apply and develop the use of technology to assist in carrying out architectural tasks effectively.

7. Have an understanding of the principles and concepts involved in running businesses related to architectural practice, planning, design and creativity, as well as in coordinating and working under diverse cultural conditions.

8. Capable of working in the profession with international level of standard and quality as well as have the ability to integrate knowledge of various related disciplines in the process.


Eligibility to Apply

Applicants must have completed secondary education or the equivalent that is endorsed by the Ministry Education, or have received a certificate that is accepted and recognized by the University as being equivalent, and pass all requisites for admission in accordance with Silpakorn University Undergraduate Studies Regulations 2017, Silpakorn University Undergraduate Studies Regulations 2022 (Appendix A) and/or subsequent amendments thereof.


Conditions for Completing the Degree

1. Students must pass and have accumulated a minimum of 158 credits with grade point average of not less than 2.00, based on the grade point average system of 4.00 or the equivalent.

2. Achieved learning outcomes according to standards set for undergraduate studies.

3. Fulfill the requirements stated under Silpakorn University Undergraduate Studies Regulations 2017, Silpakorn University Undergraduate Studies Regulations 2022 (Appendix A) and/or subsequent amendments thereof, and in accordance with the announcement issued by The Commission on Higher Education Standards regarding Standard Specifications for Study Programs at Undergraduate Level 2022 and/or subsequent changes thereof.


Number of Credits    

Total of not less than 158 credits


Structure of the Curriculum

      General Courses category                                         minimum of   24     credits

Compulsory courses                                                   a number of     6      credits

Required electives                                                      minimum of      9      credits

Social and life skills courses                              (minimum of     3      credits)

Language and communication skills courses    (minimum of     3      credits)

Innovation and creativity skills courses              (minimum of     3      credits)

General electives                                                        minimum of      9      credits

Specialized Courses category                                minimum of    128   credits

Compulsory courses                                          a number of     119   credits

Core courses                                             (a number of     50    credits)

Fundamental courses                                (a number of     18    credits)

Technology courses                                   (a number of     27   credits)

Supplementary courses                             (a number of     24   credits)

Specialized Electives                                         minimum of       9     credits

      Open Electives category                                            minimum of     6     credits